

After many years of collaborating with the online gallery Singulart, my works will no longer be available there starting in July 2024. Singulart has now introduced a paid account model for their existing artists. Many links to my works on Singulart will therefore no longer work – apologies for the inconvenience. A large portion of these works will soon be available on Saatchi Art.

Resümee oder „Banane in den Wolken      Text: Lesedauer 4.40min

Seit 2017 bin ich Künstler bei Singulart. Daher ein etwas ausführlicheres Resümee.  Der Anfang von Singulart war vielversprechend. Die Kommunikation mit den Mitarbeiter*innen erfolgte sogar persönlich. Dann kamen neue Kommunikationspartner mit den wohlklingenden Namen „Artist Liaison“ mit eher standardisierten Meldungen, und jetzt wird einem eine KI zur Seite gestellt, die den Namen Support nicht verdient… gesamter Text

Künstlerdatenbank und Nachlassarchiv Niedersachsen, Mai 2023



Retro-Perspektiven 70 Jahre arche Hameln   27. August – 8. Oktober 2022


Eröffnung      Freitag, den 26. Aug 2022,  20.00 Uhr                                     arche

SINGULART  Online-Kunstgalerie   since 2017

note: My works are no longer available through the online gallery Singulart. The works will soon be available through the online gallery Saatchi Art – 07.2024

I Support Street Art  28.08.2017

Ihre Webseite nennen sie selbst „the motherland of Street Art“ und ihr Motto ist „the street is our gallery“. Diesem Slogan von “ I Support Street Art“ kann ich mich nur anschließen.
Ich freue mich ab jetzt der sympathischen Community von Street Art Künstlern mit einem eigenen Account anzugehören.

Galerie Rode und LanferDruck

Podbielskistraße 5a (Hinterhaus) • 30163 Hannover

Fremd      08.04. – 15.05.2016

Edin Bajrić, Ahmed Borai, Anna Eisermann & Shige Fujishiro

Einführung / Begrüßung: Asta Rode und Norbert Lanfer

Vortrag: Dr. Norbert Nobis (Beginn: 20.00 Uhr)

Moderation: Jost Merscher

Eröffnung Freitag, den 13. März 2015, 20.00 Uhr

Revolte   13. März – 12. April 2015


Eröffnung      Freitag, den 13. Nov 2015,  20.00 Uhr                                     arche


die Technik | the technique   by Ahmed Borai

Tutorial      Video by Pascal Borell                                Info Page


Galerie arche

Galerie arche • Hameln Kastanienwall 12

DAS KLEINE FORMAT   21. Nov. 2014 – 21. Dez. 2014

Galerie arche

Galerie arche • Hameln Kastanienwall 12

GRENZEN LOS   07. Juni 2014 – 13. Juli 2014


Eröffnung      Freitag, den 06. Juni 2014,  20.00 Uhr                                     arche

Galerie arche • Hameln Kastanienwall 12 • DAS KLEINE FORMAT •         29.11 – 05.01.2014

    Eröffnung      Freitag, den 29. November 2013,  20.00 Uhr                                                  

Arbeiten HIER  IM Shopservice

Galerie arche • Hameln Kastanienwall 12 • Herbst •          14.9 – 13.10.2013

    Eröffnung      Freitag, den 13. September 2013,  20.00 Uhr                                                   arche



About Author

BoraiMy works tell short stories. As a medium, I prefer paper from daily newspapers. The information and illustrations in the newspapers provide me with the background for my artistic work. For the visual design my motivation grows from the change of the given, with the necessary resulting artistic stylistic means. This procedure can be referred to as a "crossover". A method of conscious and unconscious work steps that leads directly to the necessary image statement, the image content. I would like to describe my work process with the result as - the awakening of the dream, remembering the future. I love the lightness of paper, my favorite material for painting, collage and sculpture. Modern Art presented directly from the art studio or from the vast collection from Ahmed Borais art pool - narrtive painting, narrative sculpture, paperwork, fotocollage and more artworks here on this page. There is an own Shopservice with recommendations. The artworks here can also be purchased on artportals such as SaatchiArt or Singulart.

As my favourite medium, I prefer paper from daily newspapers. The information and illustrations in the newspapers provide me with the background for my artistic work. For the visual design my motivation grows from the change of the given, with the necessary resulting artistic stylistic means. This procedure can be referred to as a "crossover". A method of conscious and unconscious work steps that leads directly to the necessary image statement, the image content. I would like to describe my work process with the result as - the awakening of the dream, remembering the future. I love the lightness of paper, my favorite material for painting, collage and sculpture. Modern Art presented directly from the art studio or from the vast collection from Ahmed Borais art pool - narrtive painting, narrative sculpture, paperwork, fotocollage and more artworks here on this page. There is an own Shopservice with recommendations. The artworks here can also be purchased on SaatchiArt.

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