
Mit der Paperplaining Technik könnt ihr Papier mit einfachen Mitteln glatt aufziehen.
Das so aufgezogenen Papier könnt ihr bemalen, collagieren, kombinieren wie ihr möchtet.
Nach der Durchtrocknung lässt sich eure Papierarbeit leicht, glatt und plan von eurem Arbeitsgrund ablösen.


Film by Pascal Borell Du Vernay

Paperplaining Technique by Ahmed Borai

You are searching for an easy, quick and cheap way to recycle your papers and to express yourself in your own art?

Detachable, even and straight. Ready to be put in place wherever you want? You are lucky, you found the paperplaining-technique right here!

Youtube – 2.17min


You are searching for an easy, quick and cheap way to recycle your papers and to express yourself in your own art?

Detachable, even and straight. Ready to be put in place wherever you want? You are lucky, you found the paperplaining-technique right here!



       Manual Paperplaining    PDF (153kB)  Print Version – English

      Anleitung Paperplaining  PDF (153kB) Druckversion – Deutsch

     Papiersorten Recycling Beispiele  PDF (1MB)  Deutsch/English



Painting on Newspaper



Paperplaining Kulturzentrum Faust Hannover




About Author

BoraiMy works tell short stories. As a medium, I prefer paper from daily newspapers. The information and illustrations in the newspapers provide me with the background for my artistic work. For the visual design my motivation grows from the change of the given, with the necessary resulting artistic stylistic means. This procedure can be referred to as a "crossover". A method of conscious and unconscious work steps that leads directly to the necessary image statement, the image content. I would like to describe my work process with the result as - the awakening of the dream, remembering the future. I love the lightness of paper, my favorite material for painting, collage and sculpture. Modern Art presented directly from the art studio or from the vast collection from Ahmed Borais art pool - narrtive painting, narrative sculpture, paperwork, fotocollage and more artworks here on this page. There is an own Shopservice with recommendations. The artworks here can also be purchased on artportals such as SaatchiArt or Singulart.

As my favourite medium, I prefer paper from daily newspapers. The information and illustrations in the newspapers provide me with the background for my artistic work. For the visual design my motivation grows from the change of the given, with the necessary resulting artistic stylistic means. This procedure can be referred to as a "crossover". A method of conscious and unconscious work steps that leads directly to the necessary image statement, the image content. I would like to describe my work process with the result as - the awakening of the dream, remembering the future. I love the lightness of paper, my favorite material for painting, collage and sculpture. Modern Art presented directly from the art studio or from the vast collection from Ahmed Borais art pool - narrtive painting, narrative sculpture, paperwork, fotocollage and more artworks here on this page. There is an own Shopservice with recommendations. The artworks here can also be purchased on SaatchiArt.

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